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Embrace the twists and turns of your career with an expert guide

Mountain Path

Career coaching that works for you

With over 15 years of career experience, negotiating increasing salary and benefits along the way, Joyful Career Journeys offers guidance across industries, career paths and stages.  Whether it is time to leave your current role, make a career transition, or return to the workforce after a break, our services can help!

Karly M

Non-profit administration

"Hannah's tenacious encouragement is a huge part of my ability to stay focused on my career goals.  She provides clear, actionable guidance that consistently helps me look at my career in new and exciting ways.

Margaret E

Business Analyst

"Hannah provided a sense of hope about my career journey. She provided details about how to know your worth and negotiate your salary effectively. She had practical guidance that didn't rely on "wake up at 3 am and work 14 hours a day" - which I appreciated. She knows we all want to have fulfilling, successful careers without sacrificing personal goals and desires. Her sense of joy, peace, and genuine excitement is infectious!"
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